Feedback reflection

So! During the course of the holidays, I was given some feedback by my peers. One concerned that my narrative doesn’t stray too far into the message of ‘people are too sensitive’ because it will likely cause backlash. They also added that the underling message appears to lean on the idea of ‘freedom of speech’. …

Behind the smile p3

I L O V E how this one turned out. I’m used to using reference images anyway but this one helped a TON. (>w>)/* Anyway, this was most likely my comfortable experiment as I was able to do everything my perfectionist mind plagued me with…well almost everything. Working on separate layers was probably the best …

Behind the smile concept comic

I’m pretty proud of this result too! \(-^w^-)/ So I went ahead and tried my hand at a manga style page of how Orion is made to feel by his peers. I explained the bulk of it in my first ‘behind the smile’ concept art ‘bound by society’s norms’. And just because, I continued said …

Behind the smile p2

Here is my second concept. With this one, I wanted to try out keeping the highlights and shadows as only one colour that contrasts his usual ensemble. It was a little daunting at first, because I usually use different hues for my highlights and shadows to fit in with the base colours or item of …

Behind the smile p1

First concept art attempt. I decided to go with a sketchy, softly shaded sort of style. In hind sight, more dramatic, highly contrasted shading would’ve worked a lot better with my sketchiness. “Bound by social norms”. Now, it’s so much that he makes an explicit effort to follow these norms. It’s more like he’s forced …